Sep 14, 2016


International Day of Positive Thinking was this past Tuesday, September 13th, and Chevrolet celebrated in a big way. In order to help people around the world bring greater positivity to their friends, family, and community, Chevy worked with IBM’s Watson to create the Chevrolet Global Positive System. This platform evaluates users’ social media presence to evaluate their positive impact.

The tool, which is a mobile and desktop website that creates a detailed “personality snapshot” and a score based on positive user Facebook and Twitter posts, with criteria like frequent positive words and emojis. Users can find out their score and post it to social media, in the hopes that it will help guide users towards their next adventure or a new experience.

“A positive, never-give-up attitude has been a driving force for the Chevrolet brand for more than a century and has motivated us as a team to turn the impossible into the possible,” said Tim Mahoney, chief marketing officer of Global Chevrolet. “We encourage people around the world to reflect on their own outlook by using the Global Positivity System and to consider the possibilities in their own lives.”

Schultz., E.J. “Chevy and IBM Will Rate Your Social Media ‘Positivity'” Advertising Age CMO Strategy RSS. N.p., 14 Sept. 2016. Web. 15 Sept. 2016.