Oct 20, 2020

Peek your head outside and you’ll see it’s no secret that winter is right around the corner. As many of us know, the weather can change on the flip of a dime, so it’s better to ensure your Chevrolet or Cadillac has been maintenanced and is ready for whatever is thrown its way. Lucky for you, Joe Cooper Chevy has service specials to help ensure your service doesn’t break the bank! Plus, scheduling your appointment has never been easier with our online scheduling! 

However, not all maintenance needs to be completed by trained professionals. In fact, lots of fall maintenance is DIY, which brings us to this week’s blog! Below you will find 12 must-have for your car before hitting the road this winter. These accessories and items are crucial to ensure you and your passengers have smooth sailing and everything you need in case of an accident or breakdown. Take a peek now and get started on adding the items you need to your ride today!

Must-Have Winter Accessories:

Ice scraper and snow brush 

  • With winter right around the corner, it’s crucial to have a sturdy ice scraper and snow brush in your vehicle.
  • Whether you’re leaving work, the mall, the grocery store, etc, snow can obstruct your view, and just using your wipers to clear your view can be dangerous for other drivers when the snow flies off at them. 

Small/Collapsible shovel 

  • Keeping a small or collapsible shovel in your truck can be a lifesaver if you find your vehicle stuck in the snow or if you have to clear a path to drive

Gloves, hats, scarves, etc.

  • You have the snow brush and shovel, but now you need to actually use them.
  •  Having extra gloves will be a lifesaver when you have to brush off your vehicle, pump gas, or even change a tire!


  • Doesn’t everybody have extra blankets lying around at home? Just me? Well, if you have an extra blanket, throw it in your trunk in case you find yourself in an accident having to stand outside, or experience a breakdown in colder temperatures. 

Emergency flares or reflectors

  • Finding yourself stuck in the snow? Ensure other vehicles can see you with emergency flares or reflectors

Rock salt 

  • Stuck in the snow? Did ice form around your tires? Gain traction with rock salt, sand, or kitty litter! 
  • Spread the material near your tires and in your car’s path to get out of a slippery situation.

First aid kit 

  • This is an all-year-round necessity, but it’s always good to replenish what you need in your first aid kit 
  • Whether your passenger has a small cut or you’re in an accident and need to be bandaged up, a first aid kit is crucial to this list

Extra windshield washer fluid 

  • Make sure your windshield washer fluid has antifreeze components to prevent it from freezing. Clearing your windshield with fluid will improve visibility in a winter storm.


  • We all know it gets dark very early during the winter months. Having a flashlight in your trunk is always a good idea. 
  • Whether you need it for maintenance purposes or even to feel safer when walking to and from your vehicle. 

Jumper cables

  • Cold weather can affect a car’s battery. You can’t start your car if the battery’s dead, which means you won’t be able to use the car’s heater for warmth. Waiting for a jump start in the cold is not fun. You won’t have to wait as long if you have jumper cables with you.

Cell phone charger 

  • It’s always important to keep your phone charged before hitting the road but with maps, music, and more, your battery can die quickly 
  • Keep your phone charged up in case you need to make a call for assistance or need your maps for directions 

Water and non-perishable snacks 

  • Breakdowns are never fun and sometimes happen in the worst place. This means if you find yourself stranded, waiting for a tow truck and it might be a while before you get help, having a snack to hold you over is always helpful